Thursday, June 24, 2010

New Coupons - June 24

Here are the new food coupons this week:
(these will also be included in the full list in the coupons post)
Boost Nutritional Drink, Multipack - $3.00 off
Burger King Bagged snacks - $1.00 off 2
Chung's for 2 EntrĂ©e - 75¢ off
Desitin Diaper Rash product - $1.00 off
Dole All Natural Salad Kit (Kroger only) - $1.00 off
Goodnights Underpants - $2.00 off
Gordon's, Any fish items - $1.00 off 2
Hain Celestial, Any products totaling $10 or more - $3.00 off
Huggies Baby wipes, 320 ct. or larger - $2.00 off
Huggies Snug & Dry, 60 ct. or larger - $3.00 off
Lorraine cheese - 55¢ off
Mariani Dried fruit - $1.75 off 2
Oscar Meyer Hot Dogs - $1.00 off 2
Reser's 3 lb. or larger Deli Salad - $1.00 off
T.G.I. Friday's Bagged snacks - $1.00 off 2
Tropicana Trop 50, 59 oz. - $1.00 off
Welsh's Reduced Sugar Jelly or Spread - 75¢ off

Cool Savings (click on "Printable Coupons")
Act II Popcorn - 40¢ off
Act II Popcorn - $1.00 off 2
Archway Cookies - $1.00 off 2
Carvel Ice Cream Cake - $2.00 off
Cinnabon Cinnamon Bread loaf - $1.00 off
Holland House Cooking Wine or Wine Vinegar - 75¢ off
Lance Sandwich Crackers Homepack - 55¢ off

Red Plum
Odom's Tennessee Pride sausage plus ground beef or two sausage - $1.00 off
Pure Protein Bars - $1.00 off 2

Cellfire - can be saved from 6/15 - 6/28
Betty Crocker Supreme Brownie mix box - 75¢ off 2
Betty Crocker Specified fruit snacks - 50¢ off 2
Bisquick Baking Mix, 40 oz. or larger - 50¢ off
Cheerios Honey Nut cereal - 55¢ off
Chex Mix 4.5 oz. bag or 100 Calorie Snack - 50¢ off
Fiber One Chewy Bars - 50¢ off
Hamburger Helper, Chicken Helper or Tuna Helper - 75¢ off 3
Kellogg's Froot Loops, Frosted Flakes, Apple Jacks, Corn Pops or Frosted Mini Wheats - $1.00 off 2
Lucky Charms cereal - 55¢ off
Morton Season-All seasoned salt - 55¢ off
Nature Valley Granola Nut Clusters - $1.00 off
Nature Valley Granola Bars - 50¢ off
Starbucks VIA Ready Brew - $1.00 off
Trix cereal - 55¢ off
Wheaties Fuel cereal - $1.00 off
Yoplait Yogurt cups - 40¢ off 6
Yoplait Fiber One Multipack - $1.00 off
*Don't miss out on the $100 Grocery Gift Card giveaway sponsored by Cellfire.
If you are not familiar with Cellfire, please read my Cellfire post to help get yourself acquainted with this free, clipless coupon service.

Ocean Spray Blueberry Juice Drink - $1.00 off
Blue Diamond Almond Breeze almond milk - $1.00 off
Gold'n Plump All Natural Chicken - $1.00 off
Birdseye Steamfresh Seafood Meals - $1.50 off
Yoplait yogurt cups - 50¢ off 4
Buitoni Premium Frozen Meal - $1.50 off
Buitoni product - $1.00 off
The Skinny Cow product - $1.00 off
The Skinny Cow cup - 50¢ off

Free eCookbook – 29 Tasty, Easy Breakfast Recipes, featuring 45 pages of delicious recipes.

Free Samples
I didn't see any new food samples available right now. Anyone else see any?

Happy Saving!


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I'd love to hear what you thought of a recipe or coupon! Feel free to share any tips you came across as you prepared your food.