Thursday, January 22, 2009


Welcome to Recipes for Moms! I hope that you will find this site full of helpful recipes and coupons for your family. First, a little about me. My name is Stacy and I make my home in Southwest Colorado. I am a work-at-home mom with a wonderful husband, a 14-yearold daughter, an 11-year old son and an 8-year old daughter. I enjoy cooking and we try to sit down together for dinner each night. I don't claim to be a great cook but I can follow a recipe and make a few adaptations when needed. It is my hope that more families and couples will try to be healthier and spend more time together by just making a simple meal.

Now, about the site. I started Recipes for Moms because I was finding many good, easy recipes that my family enjoyed and I thought that other moms might like them too. For the most part, the recipes I choose use simple, basic ingredients that you probably keep in your pantry. Every recipe I post I have tried with my family. The "tips" at the end of each recipe are my own thoughts and ideas. There are recipes that I try sometimes and chose not to post because I didn't like the way they turned out or they were too much work. You won't find many seafood or fish recipes here because neither my husband nor I are very fond of either of them. I am always on the lookout for new easy recipes. If you have a family favorite, feel free to e-mail it to me. We will try it and if we like it, I will post it and give you the credit.

One thing that makes cooking at home appealing to me is the money you save versus eating out. You can increase those savings with just a little extra work by using coupons and matching them with products on sale at your local store. I like to buy basic ingredients and stockpile them when they go on sale.
If you have any questions or comments, I'd love to hear from you. Thanks for visiting!


kendrasue01 said...

Hi, I just found your site and enjoyed looking at it. I was trying to find the coupons for Oscar Meyer Deli Meat $.75 off that you had posted under I can't seem to find it. Can you email it to me?
Thanks Kendra

Anonymous said...

Hello Stacy,
I was wondering if you know of a good Gingerbread cookie recipe? Thank you for having such a great site for us busy moms! Miss ya!

Dave said...

Hi Stacy,
Hope its OK to contact you here but I couldn't find a contact form. First of all let me say your blog is beautifully designed and your photography is very professional. We'd like to invite you to appear on our foodie website: . have a look and if you are interested contact me through the email on this comment of through the contact form on our site

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I'd love to hear what you thought of a recipe or coupon! Feel free to share any tips you came across as you prepared your food.